Wordless Wednesday – Mother’s Favorite Time of the Day

YEG1940s #4

David, late 1940s

I have been scanning some more photographs this week, and I found this great picture of my Dad, a.k.a. David. It reminds me so much of my son while he is sleeping. It is nice to know that I am not the only mom who likes to take pictures of her sleeping baby.

Photograph from the private collection of Deborah Sweeney.
© Deborah Sweeney, 2014.
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2014/05/07/wordless-wednesday-mothers-favorite-time-of-the-day/

4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Mother’s Favorite Time of the Day

  1. davidmadison1942

    Funny! I still sleep on my stomach with my head in that position! I’m puzzled where that photo was taken. Definitely not on my regular bedroom.


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