Smallpox Epidemic, Part XXIV

Indianapolis Journal - 1900-02-07 (Smallpox epidemic)SMALLPOX ECHOES

Come to the Health Board from Va-
rious Parts of the State.

Dr. W. H. Cole, secretary of the Green county board of health, in a communication to the State Board of Health, said that the Green County Council had appropriated sufficient money to enable the board of health to take all precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the disease. He says that there are no new cases reported since Feb. 2.

Dr. Newlin, the health officer of Madison county, reports that there are eight cases of smallpox which have been quarantined in the county. One new case in Madison county as developed yesterday.

Dr. Gautz, health officer of Saline City, Clay county, says in his report to the State board that there is only one new case in the town, but the disease is raging in epidemic form in the country immediately surrounding the town. He says he has no hope of exterminating the epidemic, except through vaccination, and unless the people comply with the wishes of the board of health in this respect the disease will probably linger until next June.

Three new cases of smallpox are reported from Albany, Delaware county, and the people in Jay county, which immediately adjoins Delaware, are taking prompt action in enforcing the quarantine law.

Two Smallpox Cases at Albany

Special to the Indianapolis Journal.
MUNCIE, Ind., Feb. 6. – Two cases of smallpox have been reported from Albany, in the families of Elijah Morton and Daniel Doughty, where a child in each family has the disease. The cases are thoroughly isolated, and there is no cause for alarm.

“Smallpox Echoes,” The Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis, Indiana), 7 February 1900, p. 8, col. 5-6; digital image, Chronicling America ( : accessed 6 December 2014).

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