Smallpox Epidemic, Part LXVI

Indianapolis Journal - 1900-04-12 (Smallpox epidemic), p. 8NEW CASES OF SMALLPOX

Arthur J. Neigher and Fred Roth Have
The Disease.

Two new cases of smallpox were reported to the Board of Health yesterday and there are several suspected cases of the disease which will be examined and diagnoses to-day. The first case reported yesterday was that of Arthur J. Neigher, No. 807 South New Jersey street. He has a wife and two children and the house has been quarantined. He refused to be removed to the contagious disease pavilion at the City Hospital. Neigher is a well driller and was exposed to the disease several days ago, when boring a well in the lot adjacent to a case of smallpox on Bates street. His case is well marked. Later in the day Dr. Buehler reported a suspected case, the victim being Fred Roth, No. 1220 South Senate avenue. Dr. C. E. Ferguson made a diagnosis of the case and found it to be smallpox. Several people living in the same house have been exposed to the disease and they have been quarantined. Roth is unable to tell where he contracted the contagion. Dr. Deitch also reported a suspected case on West Ohio street, the patient being a man named Hawkins. The case will be diagnosed to-day.

Dr. Clark, secretary of the city Board of Health, said last night that there was no occasion for alarm, as there are but few cases in the city. The Board of Health will meet this morning and Mayor Taggart will be present to hear the discussion for the improvement of the City Hospital. The smallpox question will also be taken up.

“New Cases of Smallpox,” The Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis, Indiana), 12 April 1900, p. 8, col. 2; digital image, Chronicling America ( : accessed 3 February 2015).

2 thoughts on “Smallpox Epidemic, Part LXVI

    1. Genealogy Lady Post author

      The interesting thing is that smallpox already had a vaccine at that point. I can only equate the situation in my mind to the modern diseases of H1N1 or Ebola. The doctors scramble until they can get the situation under control.


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