Tag Archives: Agnes Molter

Federal Figures (Gladys)

1944-02-28 (GRY)Letter transcription:

NAVY 133



Dear Daddy – I talked to Agnes about filing the Federal and she wants the figures on the entire salary. I told her the figures you sent but she insists she needs the whole amt. of salary you receive. I should know it but it has been changed since you received your promotion and then too isn’t there an increase for foreign duty? I hope you get this in time to answer so we can file by Mar. 15. It is cold again today. We have had some very warm springy days, but the temp was down to freezing this a.m. Incidentally, I have a sore throat. I went down this morning and had a treatment. As soon as I get David fed and to bed I am going to try and get some rest. No rest while he is up. I think I’ll feel better after a little rest. I saw Red Bruck in town this morning. This is the first time I have seen him since he has been in the Army. I would think he would be over Army age now and be back home to stay, but I don’t know if that is the case or not. Maybe he would rather stay in. Rose & Casey run the store for him. It’s nearly time for J. & M. to come home for lunch and I have to get David ready too.

Love Mother

©2012-2016, copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/01/01/federal-figures-gladys/

Mystery Temperature (Gladys)

Letter transcription:

Kentland, Ind.

Dear Daddy –

Yours of Jan. 6, 7, 8, & 11 came today. In fact I just finished reading them and thought I would answer while things are fresh in my mind. About that tax $6.60 – that was the first quarter last year gross – I quit paying after that. I talked to Agnes a few days ago and she told me not to file even Federal, so will just let it ride. Our present bank bal. is around $70.oo but all bills are paid. The first of Feb. the income will take care of ins. due (J., M. & D.) and current bills and we should have a good bal. Maybe enough for a bond. David got enough Christmas money to get a new bond. I think J. or M. will get it at school to give their school credit during the present Bond drive.

David flared up with a temp. yesterday but now it is gone. He has had a hang-on cough from the flue he had following our visit to Mutchlers and he coughs more now. He had a temp. all night.

[page 2] I put him in bed with me because I figured he would be restless. He had 101 2/5 rectally about 7 A.M. but now 9:45 he is normal. I have him established on the studio couch with a cover over him and toys around him which he keeps throwing on the floor. He doesn’t feel too bad because he laughs & plays. I put his house slippers on him. He pulled them and his sox off, but his feet & legs are covered with the spread. He ate a pretty good breakfast and had two B.M.’s on the toidey. I called the Dr. and talked to him about D. He told me to give him the same pills I gave him when he had the flu. I was going to ask him to come out but he seems so much better I don’t think it is necessary. However, I will watch his temp. closely and if it starts to rise will talk to the Dr. I can’t understand this. D. seemed perfectly well, I had been taking him out of doors, every day, then yesterday he shoots up a temp. and today it’s gone. I am glad it is but would like to know the cause.

Tell Bud Mulligan his aunt came to see me yesterday. She is staying at Zeva Simmons. Zeva works for Mrs. Knowlton.

[page 3] You remember her, don’t you? Jimmy’s mother. I don’t know where Jimmy is now, but Zeva had been to see his wife and daughter not long ago.

I heard that Link quite the stone quarry and is working at the factory. Irene is in the hospital yet – as I understand is taking a rest cure. I wonder when her mother will get to take a vacation – but guess that is none of my business.

It is warmer out today and the sun is shining. I have washing to do and should hang it out but when the trains over by 24 go past they throw out such a smoke screen the clothes have tattle tale grey when they are dry, so the basement is the safest place after all.

The Newton Co. E. is running pictures of service men and they have Art Kenny’s in this week – He is wearing the sailor uniform he had when he entered the service – you know he is now in the Marines – well to say the least the picture isn’t flattering – I wanted to laugh when I first saw it.

I told you in a v-mail about Tommy Britton’s mother calling me. She said Tommy told them you had called from

[page 4] San F. and was on your way home. I told her he was mistaken. He said Mark had told him. I know Mark doesn’t tell things like that. He was so mad when I told him what Tommy had said. He vowed very strongly he hadn’t told Tommy anything like that. Virginia admitted that Tommy told such tall tales they didn’t know when to believe him. I told her I only wished it were true.

J. & M. got their report cards so they should write you and give you their own reports – I gave them in previous letters but think they should write too.

There was a bulletin from the A.M.A. on socialized medicine. John read it over and is going to take it to school. I don’t know that I ever talked to him on the subject, but he was very strong in his opinion about such a thing. He thinks like the A.M.A. – it shouldn’t be.

I have put D. in his bed with toys to amuse him while I go start the washing and he is throwing things on the floor, and enjoying it.

“Love Mother”

P.S. Saw Irene after writing this so her rest cure must be over.

©2015 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2015/10/20/mystery-temperature-gladys/

Getting Forgetful (Roscoe)

Letter transcription:

Lieut. R.S. Yegerlehner USNR
USN Base Hosp. #4 Navy 133
F.P.O. San Francisco Calif.
Jan. 12, 1944

Dear Mother,

I’m getting forgetful. I forgot whether or not I added a P.S. to my letter yesterday telling you your Christmas package came – It did. This time it was in pretty good condition but the contents could be seen without opening the box. In other words the ends were very ragged. The chicken bones are all melted into one huge chunk but still within the paper. And why the alcohol and tobacco chasers? I haven’t opened much of it yet. The chewing gum is the best article. The wafers are good – really surprisingly crisp but I’ve lost practically all my taste

[page 2] for sweets. Just the very smallest bit of sweet is enough so I’ll have candy enough to last all year long. One of the officers who was ordered from here gave me a pound box of candy weeks before Christmas and most of it is still in the box and Floyd & Ruth sent some and it is practically intact. I’ll wait a few weeks and put it out in the ward room and it won’t last long but I know I’ll never eat it, unless I get more of a sweet tooth than at present. I hope I don’t sound ungrateful about the gift. The hankies were fine. I am a little short on those and they will fix me up about right.

I wrote Joe Roberts a letter last  night and will try to answer

[page 3] another of those long unanswered letters today. I have an awful time now trying to figure which one I should answer.

I did some laundry this P.M. Last Thurs. I sent my khaki shirts & pants to the laundry as well as 5 pairs of underware trunks, and today I washed 9 pairs of trunks and 16 pair of socks – don’t ask me where all the things came from. I still have 5 clean pair of trunks and one pair on so that makes a total of 20 pair and approx. 2 doz. pair of socks. I still don’t wear any undershirts so don’t have to worry about that part of the laundry. White shirts are no problem because they are not worn enough. Just to weddings or special things which

[page 4] are far and few between for me. And one shirt will last thru several engagements.

Before I forget it I don’t think it’s necessary to file an income tax return this year but again Agnes M. knows more about the laws and if she thinks necessary go ahead. All we get for sure on the tax problem is scuttlebutt, but there is something about this year & last year or something so let me know what you do.

Don’t run yourself too short on buying bonds as I won’t be able to send too much money extra on account of saving it for travel. Maybe I’m being optimistic but it never is wrong to plan ahead – For now Dear that is all –

Love Daddy

P.S. Thanks for the Christmas present.

©2015 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2015/10/04/getting-forgetful-roscoe/

Second Letter (Gladys)

Letter transcription:

Kentland, Ind.
Dec. 27 – 1943

Dear Daddy –

I have been working on the financial statement – but having no adding machine I didn’t go into such details as groc. bills, lights, telephone, etc. but here is a list of Ins. – $443.55 – House $508.48 – Piano $300.oo – Loans paid $243.91 & $173.69 – Bike $35.00 – Hospital $128.80 – Bonds – $131.25 – coal $100.00 – The total of the above amounts to $2064.68 – The balance necessary to meet expenses is long & detailed and I’ll try to get the columns added so I can give you a complete report. As you will note I have not paid any Taxes (except $6.60 for the first of the year) but Agnes M. said for me not to. I think I have explained all about the taxes before. Even the gross isn’t paid by people in Service. The $330.00 you sent will take care of Ins. coming due the first of the year and I think I can buy some bonds, too. Our present bal. is $301.81 – and with the Jan. 1 cks. coming I’ll dep. $170.00 – There are bills amounting to $174.00 to be paid in Jan. – that doesn’t include groc. Bills which should amt. to about $30.00 – so I should be able to buy some bonds and still keep a comfortable bal. Does all the above sound complicated and as clear as a woman would make it? Thought I would give you food for thought – let you figure some of it out for yourself – I think you can add and deduct the right figures.

The other evening we were listening to Red Skeltons’ program and Ozzie & Harriet sang a song that sounded like double talk, but it is something like the tobacco auctioneers chant –

[page 2] It is Mares eat oats, Does eat oats, little kids lambs eat ivy, little kids lambs eat ivy – a kid’ll eat ivy too, wouldn’t you – Now just say it like this: Marze dotes and dozee doze, liddle lamz edivy, liddle lamz edivy, a kiddle dee divvy too, wouldn’t chew – I wish I could tell you the tune too – We all go around here singing Marze dotes. It’s just one of those silly catchy things. I know if you could have picked it up you would probably be humming it too.

It is getting late and I need some extra sleep to make up for getting a little tired over the holidays. We just listened to Dogwood and it was all about snoring – Imagine anything like that being funny. Sometimes David makes a noise in the night if he doesn’t sleep soundly – I don’t know what makes him do it, but Earl said he heard him all night Sat. when we stayed there. I really believe he heard him just a little while because I heard him, I think, about 4 a.m. but you know people think they hear things all night long, when they don’t – and especially if they aren’t feeling well.

Your Mother’s box came today and there was a picture of her & dad, done by a photographer. I hope she sent you one because it’s a very good picture. Pjs for J. & M. and a dollar for D. With the ten you sent & the 1.00 Mrs. P. gave him I am going to add enough for him a bond.

This is my second letter to you today, but the first one was written early this a.m. We’ll add a line in the morning.

Love Mother

Tues Morn – Yours of Dec. 18 & 19 came today. Also a letter from Glen & Pauline with $20.00 – $5.00 for each of us – They couldn’t find anything to send for gifts so just sent money. I sent them a box about two wks. before Christmas.

©2015 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2015/09/04/second-letter-gladys/

Hard Beds (Gladys)

Letter transcription:

Kentland Ind
Aug. 6 – 1943

Dear Daddy –

Yours of July 26 came today. Had the 27 & 28 yesterday – so that brings my mail up pretty good. It is cooler but the sun is warming things up today. It was cool enough to have the windows & doors closed yesterday – Mark has been sleeping with me since John has been gone and last night he helped keep me warm – but you know me – covers for the first cool breeze. John got to go to the picnic – I had a letter from him yesterday and he said he would try not to get sick – you remember what happened to Mark one year. I don’t know whether Mark knows John got in on the picnic or not – but I don’t believe he will care because he is so built up on the 4-H outing the 16th to 19th. He runs errands for Arlene and I am trying to get him to save his money as he earns it so he will have some spending money when he goes to camp but money in his pocket seems to bother him. He always fins something he thinks he has to spend it for.

[page 2] Mother had a restless night. I wanted her to take a sleeping tablet but she didn’t want to. I gave her some potatoe soup yesterday noon and she threw it right up. She has been taking strained foods like I give David and keeps them down. Dr. Cole said she has a colitis condition and her recovery would be slow. She isn’t making any progress. If it weren’t for the hard beds in the hospital I would take her back down but she says she doesn’t feel she could stand the beds there. I am going to talk to Dr. Cole about her when I take David down Monday. He wants to see his cast again Mon. He sure gives that cast a beating – the way he rolls around out on it. Mark has him out in the buggy now. He is so “wiggly” it’s hard to keep him satisfied. Dr. Cole said the cast being on 4 weeks would retard his walking but I doubt it. He pulls up and gets around his pen & bed pretty good. He certainly has been good about it. He doesn’t fuss – just seems to take it for granted –

Ellsworth brought the policy out this morning. He said to tell you the baby was in for a – of a disappointment when he sees you. He said “you write & tell him I said that.” He said something about you being toothless & bald to David – E. is all hot & bothered about having to go. He said

[page 3] how’s my wife going to live on $50 – a month. I think a little military discipline might do him some good. I imagine the Army has tamed wilder ones – don’t you?

I paid my Ins. policy loan yesterday and groc. bill. We have a bal. of $233.55 – and a few other small bills to pay yet – water 4.80 – Geo. Monroe 4.75. Geo. has come every 60 days & oiled the furnace and looked things over. I will pay Ruth & Earl 100⁰⁰ if you think I should – we have a bond a month now for this year. I have 185⁰⁰ yet to pay on the piano (as previously stated). The car Ins. is due after the 11th and your Laf. life in Sept. I haven’t been paying any Gross this year – Agnes Molter said I shouldn’t and as I once before told you the 1942 Gross paid on Service salary is to be refunded – or so the Indpls Star stated. I am enclosing a funny I clipped out of Colliers. I you have seen it I am sorry, but I thought it might amuse you. Since you folks get a kick out of reading about local black-outs I thought this might amuse.

David is now raising a fuss to go out – I have fed him since starting this letter. He sure has a good appetite and likes potaoe. Ate a whole one today – That is I mashed one whole potatoe for him.

I must get this finished so Mark can take it to town. –
Love Mother

YEG1943-07-26 - David with broken leg

©2014 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2014/11/22/hard-beds-gladys/

He is about to beat something out of his toy (Gladys)

[Editor’s note: This is the first and probably only letter in the entire collection written by Gladys that will actually be published on the date it was written, exactly 71 years ago today.]

1943-04-13Letter transcription:


Dear Daddy – This is one of those spring day when we have variety – It has snowed several times today but melts as it hits the ground – the sun shines then snow again. I was going to take D. out but it isn’t warm enough – the wind is very chilly. I have given him his afternoon meal vegetables, apple sauce and milk. He is now playing in his bed. He waves his left hand – not at any one in particular but just waves. He shakes his head as if saying “no” and J. & M. think that’s pretty cute. I got your letters of Mar 31 & Apr 1 and you had a P.S. on the 31st letter about some seed. I’ll go to town after school and get what you asked for and send them today (lettuce, radish & carrot). There are a week’s letters somewhere en route (Mar 24 to 30) but they will probably come this week. These today came in 11 days, so maybe they are still coming via air – in fact I suppose they would have to. About the taxes, I gave you the figures several times before but again they figured 159 – and there is a new State ruling on Gross so we don’t have to pay that now. I talked to Agnes and she is going to get all the information on it and let me know but she said for me not to file gross. The blank come but I’ll just keep it. I’ll keep buying bonds so we can pay all those if they have to be paid. I’ll include a folder on the new tax with the seed. I haven’t taken pictures of D. since his sixth month but will get film (if I can) and take some more around his seventh – I have put him in his buggy by the desk and he is about to beat something out of his toy. Hope you have my letters telling you J. & D. didn’t have measles.

Love – Mother

Yegerlehner home, E. Dunlop Street, Kentland, circa 1943

Yegerlehner home, E. Dunlop Street, Kentland, circa 1943

© 2014 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2014/04/13/he-is-about-to-beat-something-out-of-his-toy-gladys/

6 months old (Gladys)

1943-03-23Letter transcription:


Dear Daddy – Two letters today – that makes 14 this week – The two today were earlier than some of yesterdays but I am always glad to get them. Today David is 6 mo – old (17 lbs) and quite an active little fellow. He doesn’t sit alone yet but has a good straight back and holds erect very good. He sits up good in his high chair and buggy. I must say he is a little more spoiled than either J. or M. but not bad. IT is nice out today so think I’ll get him out for a walk in the sunshine. He hasn’t shown any signs of measles but maybe he won’t having had Immune Globulin. The 7th grade is dropping out pretty fast now so I suppose John will get them now tho he didn’t take them from Mark. I am afraid he will get them about the time we want to go to C. C. Apr 2. I thought the epidemic was about over but there are new cases every day. I wrote to Uncle Wess and to Jewell & Bill today. I have told several people around town the reason you aren’t writing. After writing you about filing separate tax returns Agnes discovered she was wrong about that. Hope we get a rebate on the Gross. I saw in the paper all gross 1942 pd on salary rec’d in Service will be refunded. – Mary McGee (worked for Funks) went to Ari and was married last fall. Her husband was transferred to some place in the east. She is back working for Funks and staying with Bill & Arlene. She is going to have a baby but is going to work as long as she can. I have the picture of you you sent from N. C. on the desk – would like to have a new one in your new brief uniform you mentioned – or would I? We have had so much cold weather I will be glad to get into some lighter clothes. Had a card from Mrs. P. They are in St. P. Fla now. – Those flower pictures look good. I think she will write you from there. Dr. M. got a letter from Joe R. He had rec’d the box Dr. M. sent.

Love Mother

Yegerlehner, David with Mark - 1943-03-23

Mark holding David, March 1943

©2014 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2014/03/03/6-months-old-gladys/

Planting Potatoes (Gladys)

1943-03-17Letter transcription:


Dear Daddy – The weather has turned cold again and got down below freezing last night with a high wind. Mark went back to school today – Mr. Zell took him with his girls. I am going after him at noon so he won’t have to be in this wind. He is feeling good but I don’t want an aftermath of measles. I am watching John closely for any early signs. So far nothing has developed in either John or David. I got the duplicate of our tax sheet from Agnes yesterday and it figured $757.33 for ’42. The rate is much higher this time and exemptions lower. I have enough bonds to cover that & the bal. of ’41 when and if you know it may be cancelled. Mr. Zell raises chickens – (in a house of course) and he has quite a lot of fertilizer – cleans the house 3 times a week. He put a load around our shrubbery in the back yard this morning. He has been spreading it over his lawn. I believe you would have a different opinion of him as county agent than you did of the last one. He should be on a farm but Mrs. Z. said the farmers here aren’t in favor of their agent farming. It has been so cold none of our neighbors have shown any spring signs. Bill cleaned off his garden not long ago but that is all. I don’t know what the Irishers will do today about planting potatoes. Our bank bal is $150⁰⁰ – few odds bills to pay but nothing big. No uniform money as yet. David is raising a howl – just woke up and it is about bath time. He is quite an active little fellow and a little spoiled but not too much as he goes to bed a little after 6 P.M. and sleeps till 6 A.M. – weighs 16 ½ I am knitting him a new spring outfit (Pink & white). Haven’t seen Jimmy Ed lately. Afraid to go there till measles scare is all over.

Love – Mother

©2014 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found at: https://genealogylady.net/2014/02/20/planting-potatoes-gladys/

Measles and cough drops (Gladys)

1943-02-25Letter transcription:


Dear Daddy – It is cloudy and looks like we will have another snow. Was pretty cold last night but warmer now. Got Mark a new winter coat so he had a chance to wear it this morning. It is all wool. The reason I got it now is because there may not be any all wool coats next fall. I’ll take his picture in it and you can see it. It is lighter in color than I wanted but didn’t have much choice. I went to Agnes’ office to go over the tax and looks like with all deductions we will still have to pay around 200⁰⁰. The exemptions are lower & rates higher this year. However 1942 may be cancelled but will have to file. David has a habit of crying around noon while the boys are home – that is if they don’t play with him. There are measles in school and I want the boys to stay away from him so we can at least take that much precaution. It may not do any good but it will be an effort. These measles are the old fashioned kind. Sammy Washburn has them. I saw Howard yesterday and he had a sample cough drop you had given them and said it relieved Sammy, wanted to know what they were but I didn’t know. They are hetagonal [sic] in shape & you told them they had claroform in them.  Lucile & I walked with our babies yesterday but it is a little chilly to go out today. I am going to keep D. away from school children and will have to stay away from town to do that. Mark is planning big for his birthday tomorrow. Will bake a cake.

Love – Mother

©2014 copyright owned and written by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found at: https://genealogylady.net/2014/01/13/measles-and-cough-drops-gladys/

Point rationing March 1943 (Gladys)

1943-02-24Letter transcription:


Dear Daddy – Our weather today is neither hot or cold, a little cloudy and some sunshine – acts like might snow or rain before evening. If it doesn’t rain will take David out for an airing. Lucile had Jimmy out yesterday. His rash is better but she is giving him lactic acid now. We took some pictures of D. and the rest of us. The next reg. letter I will send two or three. That is the only disadvantage to this kind of mail. Got our new ration books. So far the only foods rationed in the new book are canned fruits, juices & vegetables and frozen foods, also dried & dehydrated fruits. For March each person is allowed to use 48 points. One lb dried prunes takes 20 points – one can (14 oz) peas takes 13 points – those are the higher point foods – Sauerkraut takes only 4 points for a lb. We will have to figure out what we need most before using our points. Got Mark a coat for next winter. It is marked “reprocessed wool” so probably some of the cuff pants that were cut off were used to make it. It is a finger-tip and dark red. I was afraid if I waited until next fall I couldn’t get 100% wool. Our finances are ok but not much surplus now – after I get the uniform money will pay off the policy loan. Am still buying bonds. Agnes hasn’t reported yet on the tax so can’t report on it today. Mark is ready to go back to school & take this. Measles are abroad – just hope we don’t have to have them here. No symptoms as yet.

Love Mother

©2014 copyright owned and/or written by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found at: https://genealogylady.net/2014/01/11/point-rationin…ch-1943-gladys/