Tag Archives: Nu-Joy Restaurant

Mother’s Day 1965

1965-05-09-gry-p-1Letter transcription:

Sunday May 9, 1965

Dear David and Bonnie:

This afternoon John called me instead of sending me something for Mother’s Day. I told him you would be home June 13, so he is planning to be here to see you then he is going to Arizona for the summer (Jun. 14). Thanks for your card and letter. I talked to Mrs. Myers and she was quite happy to get your card. I had intended to take her to a store in Kentland Friday, but she wasn’t feeling up to leaving her apartment, so I have promised to try and find something for her in Lafayette Wednesday. I think the trip to Lafayette would be almost too much for her now. She still goes to Watseka to the Dr. to have her feet taken care of, but that is only 17 miles.

Dad gave me a new radio with stereo speakers, for Mother’s Day. The old radios we have around here aren’t much force and the last time John was home we couldn’t listen to the Saturday broadcast of the Met. John made some remark about not having a decent radio on the place. I knew Dad was going to get one for me, so I didn’t get one myself. The opera is over now, but I will have it for other listening and the opera next fall.

We went to the NuJoy for dinner today. There was a large crowd, but luckily we were waited on soon after we were seated and served quickly. Since it was a special day we didn’t know whether we would have to wait a long time and Dad had had a rough night at the hospital and would have settled for a bowl of cereal, but we had planned to go out and took a chance on not having to wait an hour or so to be served.

John had received a letter from a Ford Foundation friend who has recently had to leave Indonesia. He sent John a copy of the petition which was signed asking the Foundation to leave Malang and according to John it is quite insulting. After all the work that they have done there, they seem to be getting no thanks. I was going to write Oka again, but John says there probably would be no use in sending a letter, because he probably would not receive it. John had word from an Indonesian who wanted John to help him, but says he doesn’t see how he can, since their letters aren’t received. John has written to him and he has written to John without either receiving anything. This friend who wrote to John from Switzerland apprized John of his friend’s desires. I sent Oka a package by air, which he did receive. I am wondering if he will get the package which was sent by sea. Since that takes about 3 months, by the time it arrives it may not be delivered.

Tomorrow I am to go to Battle Ground for a meeting. Wed. I am to go to Lafayette to give a program. Thursday afternoon I am scheduled to give a program in Remington in the afternoon and one at Mt. Zion in the evening. One evening this week we are to attend a dinner for hospital employees. Looks like the coming week is going to be a busy one. When you come home, I promise there will be no meetings—and especially since you will only be home for a few days. I see by the IU calendar of events that your summer school begins June 21—that is counseling the 21 and classes 23.

John Janssen helped me Saturday. He washed all the windows and spray painted the bamboo shades (for east windows) green. When Dad hung them last Thurs., we decided they would last one more season with a coat of paint. Don’t you miss all these little chores?

Love Mother

©2017 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2017/02/03/mothers-day-1965/

A Small Christmas Tree

1963-12-09-gry-p-1Letter transcription:

December 9, 1963

Dear David:

I am sending the pants. I mended them with a small patch and stick on mending tape underneath. I hope you can still get some wear out of them, but the patch is very obvious. Maybe you can wear them to loaf around in. I also found a pair of black sox which I have included in the package. Did you by any change get a pair of Dad’s long sox? I can’t find one pair.

We had the girls from the office come to dinner last night – that is, we met them at the Nu-Joy and had dinner, then came home and talked about things that we needed to talk about before we leave. I left it up to them as to when they will take their vacations. Just so they take a vacation each before we return. I don’t know whether they like the idea of a winter vacation, but they will have to get used to the idea because after this I think we will take a month or two each winter and that is when they will have to take their vacations.

Saturday was like spring and today we have real winter. A little blizzard hit here yesterday but didn’t leave too much snow. I t seems awfully cold after all those warm breezes Saturday.

We plan to go to Chicago Thursday to pay for our trip. If we have time we will go on out to Mark’s and while there I will try to buy you another pair of pants at the R. Hall store where Mark works.

We made a small Christmas tree. We took branches and wired them onto the white candelabra (the one Kreslers gave us for Christmas two years ago) and made a tree for the coffee table. I think it is not bad for two amateurs (decorators, that is). I decorated it this morning with little things and have the gifts I have wrapped for Kirk and Becky stacked around it, so it looks a little like Christmas around here.

Love Mother

©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/11/20/a-small-christmas-tree/

John is OK

1960-12-08 (GRY), p. 1Letter transcription:

[to Wright Quad 513 – in David’s handwriting]

Dear David –

Just read your letter. Do you want me to send your jacket? You didn’t specify. I just called the bank and your balance is $0.33. Maybe I had better put some in for you. I will deposit $30.00 this morning. When we ate dinner at the Nu-Joy Sunday Cele gave me a menu they had made the day after election. I was going to send it to you but I am writing this at the office and the menu is out at the house. There were such items as roast rump of elephant, etc. The bags (3) were stolen out of Dad’s car, right by the office last Sat. afternoon. We did not have the kind of insurance to cover the theft. We estimate the loss at around $500.00.

I haven’t finished taking the pictures in the camera but Mark & Shirley are coming Sat. so I will finish the roll. I am as anxious to see Becky as you are. I finished the cap and sent

1960-12-08 (GRY), p. 2[page 2] it to her. I have knitted another and also have a sweater started. I dress the doll. I am wrapping Christmas gifts and will wrap the teddy bear if I can find a box to put it in.

I am having the neighbors in for coffee next Thurs. afternoon. Mrs. Fields is having a cookie party this afternoon. She & Rev. Fields are going to entertain my S.S. class Sunday nite at the parsonage.

We received a letter from John. He is OK. I think he just gets too busy to write – or maybe he feels like he doesn’t have anything to write about.

I also clipped an ad from the paper – “an abacus” – I thought if we can find one we would give it with the ad to Mark for Christmas.

Love Mother

©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/09/11/john-is-ok/

Coal and Oil Burners (Gladys)

October 18, 1945 envelope

October 18, 1945 envelope

Letter transcription:

October 18, 1945, p. 1

October 18, 1945, p. 1


Dear Daddy –

Yours of the 13 & 15 came today. That one of the 13th got slowed up a little. I got the 14th yesterday. Vincent started on the office last night. I went down for a while but didn’t stay because I can’t do much until he gets through. After he gets thru I’ll get Monroe to change the heating arrangement. Even if we can’t get an oil burner for a few weeks I think we had better continue with our own heating system – because Loughridge should show what he says about Nick’s system not being adequate as is. I just told Dorothy yesterday I was going to leave that job for you – getting the heat piped over. However, by the time you get home maybe we can get an oil burner for it and just skip the idea of getting the heat from across the alley.

I went to Cecil Dixon’s to the A.B.C. class party last night. Everyone (almost) was asking about when you would be home. I said you would be discharged Nov. 1. Someone asked me if I had your office ready, and I said the carpenter had just started.

Since Loughridge was so evasive about when the oil burner will be in I think I’ll have Monroe get this stoker fixed and get some stoker coal. I called Chet Harlan and he said he had some treated Eastern Kentucky stoker coal and I can get that. The Lumber Co. has only Indiana Stoker.

October 18, 1945, p. 2

October 18, 1945, p. 2

[page 2] An announcement about the 10th District Med. Soc. Fall meeting came but since you won’t be here Oct. 24 I won’t send in for reservations (ladies invited too).

I suppose by the time I get the stoker fixed (if I can) and coal in then an oil burner will come. If I only knew, but last week we had a taste of a little cool weather and trying to hand fire and get the house warmed up every morning is no joke.

The announcement of the Nu-Joy in the Kent Estate was in the paper. They are to be ready for business by Nov. 20 – so it is taking a little longer than I had thought.

It’s getting near 11:30 and that means time to get lunch started. I’ll have to sign the report cards too so they can be returned. Mark’s grades are Social Studies – B, English – C, Arithmetic – C, Physical Ed – B, Health & Science – B, Band – D (and he was mad – even John said that wasn’t fair), Art – C, Ag – B, Citizenship – A. John got B in Band and gave himself B in Citizenship because they grade themselves and he was too modest to give himself A – but says after this he will because everybody else does. He wasn’t very pleased about the B in Band but he got A in everything else – History, Latin, Speech & Geometry. The whole band was mad at Cole yesterday for the grades he dished out. From all I can gather no one in the band likes him.

Mark promises to do better next time.
Love Mother

P.S. I talked to Monroe & he said he would order a new auger & also do the office work as soon as Vincent gets through.

©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/07/09/coal-and-oil-burners-gladys/

David & Martha (Gladys)

October 4, 1945 envelope

October 4, 1945 envelope

Letter transcription:

October 4, 1945, p. 1

October 4, 1945, p. 1

Oct. 4, 1945

Dear Daddy –

Yours of Oct. 1 came with your latest office plans. I think that is a better model than with a hall thru the center. I think I’ll go down and get the exact measurements before Nick & Dorothy go away. There are to go Fri. or Sat. to Bill’s lodge for the weekend. Since you aren’t sure about the trip to G.L. I’ll keep on writing until I get word you are on your way. I have been thinking how convenient it would be it you would get a trip about the time the points are lowered to your figure.

It’s crisp and clear today. The furnace has a good fire so the house is comfortable. David is out on his trike. Martha goes over on Staton’s driveway to skate and he wants to be there with her, of course. Yesterday her mother came over to see about her and I had gone out to see about David and we were talking. David pushed Martha and made her fall – however he was playing and I am sure didn’t intend

October 4, 194,5 p. 2-3

October 4, 194,5 p. 2-3

[page 2] to hurt her (his momma’s point of view – but I was watching and saw the whole thing). She got up and with fire in her eyes knocked him down. Her mother saw it all too, and couldn’t overlook the fact that Martha struck him in anger. Anyway Mrs. Z. was a little embarrassed and made M. go home. I made D. come over to our yard. This morning he has been riding his trike down as far as Coke’s, but Martha came over to skate so he went right over to Staton’s but I called him back. I allow him to ride on the front walk as far as Coke’s but I am trying to keep him off the driveway next door. I know Staton’s don’t care, but I think it will be better if he stays off. When Martha is out skating he wants to go out and I think it is good for him to learn to play with other children. I have been watching them rather closely and when one picks up a stick I insist they throw it down. I think M. started the stick business but I correct her the same as David if she picks one up.

[page 3] I got my pages a little mixed up but maybe you can follow.

I wrote you yesterday about the Nu-Joy being located up by us at the hotel. It seems they have to have a place to be able to keep their liquor license so this up here is to be a cocktail lounge and dining room but not a bus stop. They are to rebuild down at 24 & 41, but it will be some time before that place is ready. So maybe the traffic won’t be so bad up this way. At least the repaired the street up that way – it was in a bad shape.

My coat just came from the Michigan cleaners. It smells slightly of moth balls, but looks good otherwise. John will never get thru teasing me about it. He still wants me to go back and raise a fuss – but what’s the use – I have had three good winter’s wear and it still looks good. Maybe you will help me select the next one – (one look at the inside of the lining).

October 4, 1945, p. 4

October 4, 1945, p. 4

[page 4] Your mother sent a chicken by Ruth & Earl last Sun. and I have been saving it but I think if you don’t get that trip soon we had better eat it.

Paul Yost is back working at B & B. I went in there yesterday to get John a shirt & some sox. We tried in Laf. Sat. to get him some things but Loeb’s didn’t have his size.

– – – It’s 3 p.m. and in about half an hour J. & M. will be home from school. The school time has been changed – 8:30 a.m. instead of 9 and they get out earlier. I haven’t done much today except odds and ends. I think we will have to clean out the furnace this evening. It is warm enough today to let the fire go out. – – Just went out to check up on David – he was over on Staton’s porch with Martha, so I made him come in. Maybe I am being a little too severe on him but I want him to learn a few rules.

I am going to look up the heats bills for the office and do some work on that sketch.
Love Mother

©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/06/26/david-martha-gladys/

Office Plans (Gladys)

1945-09-22 (GRY) envelope

September 22, 1945 envelope

Letter transcription:

September 22, 1945, p. 1

September 22, 1945, p. 1


Dear Daddy –

It is a rainy Sat. We have been cleaning the house getting ready for David’s party. I washed the wall in the hall where I had used the paint and it washed nicely. The dirt came off easier with a brush. I am not planning to paint the hall now because it looks good enough as is. Will just wait until spring and maybe we can have a painter do the whole house. David rec’d a birthday card from Sherill Thrailkill and one from Ruth & Floyd. John asked David what he wanted for his birthday and he said a card, so John is going to give him a dollar with a card. Mark got a magic slate for him. Lucile bought a telephone for him one time while we were shopping together in Laf. I got the horses for him but he found it and has played with it two weeks. I thought I would buy him a wagon – there is a war model at the variety store, but Norma gave him the old tin wagon their girls had – she says they don’t play with it. Dorothy never did make the trip to Laf. so I didn’t get a chance to shop there. John wanted me to go today but I have been so busy getting ready for the party and since it has started to rain would rather not make the trip.

The boys are listening to a football game but there is quite a lot of static (Illinois & Pittsburg at Champaign).

September 22, 1945, p. 2

September 22, 1945, p. 2

[page 2] Just heard Ind. is leading Mich. 13-0 at first half. J. & M. went to the ball game here last night. Mark got to play in the 7th & 8th grade game. John asked him who won and he said it was a tie. I stayed at home and knitted. I started Bobby Krull’s snow suit. I finished the jacket & cap and Dorothy seemed well pleased. She is still having some cold, but was downtown yesterday afternoon.

I went to Cosmopolitan club yesterday at Mrs. Harry Hufty’s and met Phyllis Merrill’s mother. She said she had met me once before in C.C. I attended a Past Matrons meeting at Mrs. John Gilsons – (you remember or do you). Mr. Gilson works for the Lbr. Co. in C.C. I remember attending the meeting, but don’t remember Mrs. Merrill. There were a number of people there from Hymera.

John Krull is having his opening the 26th – pretty good time after the fire. He should have plenty of business – especially at noon, since Nick still closes from 11 to 3. The Nu-Joy site is about cleaned off. Just curious to see if they rebuild there.

You said something about a central hall thru the back room – I still think the hall at the west side would be better because it would lead directly to the door that goes over into the room back of Mildred’s place. I am enclosing two plans, and you can see there would have to be a turn in the hall if it goes thru the center.

David is cutting waste paper to amuse himself – it’s hard on him to stay in – he seems to be the outdoor type.


©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/06/01/office-plans-gladys/

Strings Attached (Gladys)

September 19 (or 20), 1945 envelope

September 19 (or 20), 1945 envelope

Letter transcription:

September 19 (or 20), 1945, p. 1

September 19 (or 20), 1945, p. 1

9-19-45 [sic 20?]

Dear Daddy –

After a warm day yesterday we had a thunderstorm last night. It is sunny today and brisk after the rain. David is playing out in the sunshine and getting along very well by himself. Martha doesn’t come over so much. He is learning to grab and hold on and when he doesn’t give up to her she tells him she will go home if he isn’t nice to her. This morning he didn’t seem to mind her leaving. He stayed with me in the kitchen while I was getting lunch ready. I had to go get groc. before lunch. Saw Dorothy and she was still not so good. She said she needed a good Dr. I also saw Geneva Simons and she said they had all had the flu and I asked if they had ever had the baby’s tonsils taken out – she said no, they were waiting for you to come back.

The Gas Co. sent us our meter refund less the $1.53 – guess they woke up after so long. They hadn’t rec’d my not when this was mailed. The whole amt. was $8.36 – less $1.53 – ck. for $6.83.

Had a letter from your Mother. Our letters crossed too. I had written her Tues. Uncle Wes wrote her that you were coming home so she knew something about it before getting my letter.

Last night Arlene called me and asked if I could come down. Bill was out of town but came home while I was there. He said they got Dale Jones discharged. However he had been in the Army 3½ yrs. with 23 months overseas.

September 19 (or 20), 1945, p. 2

September 19 (or 20), 1945, p. 2

[page 2] Bill had been in Indpls. Yesterday and had called on the Gov. He said the Gov. didn’t get up to the Lodge with Ira Dixon’s party – but Bill said a number of his “Henchman” did. (That’s what he said.) Bill seems to think he could so something. However I told him I didn’t think so. Anyway I would rather just wait – because thinking of the past, people around here didn’t think much of the trips to Wash. to keep certain corn men out of service. I think you have expressed the same feeling in the past – just wait and get out on your gown then no strings attached. I think some people would enjoy reminding you that they had done so much for you. What am I yapping about? You haven’t suggested anything like that.

The Nu-Joy wreckage is getting cleaned up fast. They were burning some of the debris yesterday and there was such a high wind, they had to call the fire dept. So much of the equip. that wasn’t entirely burned was moved up to the Nu-Joy hotel or barn.

David is pestering around so I must go out in the yard with him (as promised).


©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/05/27/strings-attached-gladys/

Nu-Joy Restaurant (Gladys)

September 9, 1945, p. 1

September 9, 1945, p. 1

Letter transcription:


Dear Daddy –

We had quite an exciting afternoon. The Nu-Joy Restaurant burned to the ground. The fire started in the kitchen and the fire Dept. wasn’t called soon enough, so the story goes. All the fire trucks around here came but about all the good they did was to keep the garage from burning and the Kentland Café building. John & Gladys are back and getting their place ready to open. I suppose they will step up their work to get opened sooner now that the Nu-Joy is gone. The Harlan Parrs were in town and had come out this way so they took David and me down. J. & M. were already down watching the fire. We parked by Childress Station and watched a while, then I asked them to take be back home. There was such a mob gathering I thought I would rather be home. Traffic had to be re-routed out this way to 24. There were cars parked on 24 out past here. Ed J. took John out for another driving lesson this evening and he told John what the Electric Co. had to do when they knew how the fire was going. Ed was on the scene most of the time – until after the fire was really over. I could see smoke for a long time.

Jimmy Ed is much better. I took David and stayed there while John & Ed were driving. Jimmy seems normal. Lucile says he chokes up some at night, but while we were there I didn’t notice any signs of hay fever or asthma. Maybe what was bothering him a week ago is gone now.

Joe Bill Mullen was in church this

September 9, 1945, p. 2

September 9, 1945, p. 2

[page 2] with Gloria Blanke and his mother. He has to go back to the hospital for more treatment. I have heard there is to be a wedding, but I don’t know when.

The Foulkes were entertaining dinner guests at the Nu-Joy when the fire started. I think they left before they had finished eating. No one was caught in the fire but Katie told me all they could get out was the money. I heard later that some other things were saved – some 5ths. One fireman was supposed to have taken 3 cases of beer.

Olene Miller says Emmett wrote her not to send him any more packages, so she things he will soon be coming home.

Lila called me tonight. She said Joe is still in N. Africa. He got his promotion so is now Comdr. She doesn’t know anything about when he will get home and wondered if you knew anything.

Mrs. Glick was at church this a.m. She asked me how soon you were coming home. I told her I didn’t know. Dr. G. seemed to think it would be soon, or something to that effect.

I got the boys started back on their regular monthly allowance again. Mrs. Koon came out Sat. and paid the bal. of the rent $15.00 – so that helps out the petty cash fund.

The Statons were gone from home today and came in on 24 and turned to come up the short street so didn’t see what had happened. You can imagine their surprise when we told them what had happened.

We were up late last night so in order to get the boys settled down early will go to bed myself. Lucile came out late last night to show us Karen’s pictures. She stayed until 11:30. I made a pot of coffee and we ate some of John’s prize cake he baked yesterday morning.

Love Mother

Photograph of the Nu-Joy fire, from the Kentland-Newton County Centennial, 1860-1960. Note the incorrect date!

Photograph of the Nu-Joy fire, from the Kentland-Newton County Centennial, 1860-1960. Note the incorrect date!

[Editor’s note: A newspaper clipping regarding the Nu-Joy fire can be found here. Note that both Gladys and the newspaper give the date of the fire as Sunday, September 9, 1945, not September 7th as printed in the centennial book.]

©2016 copyright owned and transcribed by Deborah Sweeney
Post originally found: https://genealogylady.net/2016/05/18/nu-joy-restaurant-gladys/